Business Card
The money business card promoting a business is a great way to grab peoples attention. The idea of folding the business card so it looks like a hundred dollar bill is so creative. Any person who sees the hundred dollar bill will automatically grab it because money always grabs someones attention. The information and contact information is on the inside so the person will remain interested. This idea is clever and actually kind of funny because the money looks extremely realistic. The inside is simple and basic which is fine because the concept was very creative overall.

A brochure should have purpose and clear objectives so a layout is very important. Here's a great example of a well design brochure. This brochure makes a great first impression with hows its designed. First the color scheme is nice on the eyes because it has one color that pops out which gives the brochure good balance. Titles and subtitles are larger so it keeps the information organized. Simple to read text, yet not too basic. Image inserts are well placed especially the top of the first page of brochure because we are a society that prefers images. Also the images go from top, bottom, top, which balances out the brochure when opened up completely.

Right from the beginning this flyer grabs attention with the large text and style. There are multiple images which keeps makes the flyer more interesting to look at. The color scheme of the text is simple and because there is multiple images too much color in text would be too much color throughout the page. The layout is easy to read and well organized, information on the left, pictures on the right. Contact information is at the bottom and in small text which adds to the balance of information consistency. The text on the left go from large font to small, large to small which makes the page look more balanced.

Business Card
The idea of creating a business card so the shape is anything other than a rectangle is not very efficient, especially this business card portrayed in this sample. The shape of this card makes for the card can easily be bent and crumpled up. Also the shape makes it smaller and can easily be misplaced or forgotten about in the slit of a wallet which many business cards get put into. The size of the card may lead to lack of information that the card can hold. The font is small and boring ultimately not very creative or attention seeking.
A brochure needs some sort of style to reach an audience. Here's a poor example of a brochure with no style. First, there is no background color or design which off the bat makes the brochure look plain. The pictures are not aligned properly and on the middle page the images are somewhat distorted in shape. The text change about three different times throughout the entire brochure which makes the brochure look sloppy. There are no headings or subheading to direct the reader and keep the brochure's information organized. There should be some sort of text to grab audience attention but there is not. Text are divided up before sentence is finish which doesn't create good flow.

This flyer is too simple and lacks a style. It has no pictures what so ever, audiences prefer visuals. The text is very plain between the style and the color. The colors scheme, pink, black and white, for this flyer is okay however, black tends to blend in. This flyer has no elements that will grabs an attention of someone just passing by. It lacks contact information other than websites. The font at the top of page really throws the rest of the page off. It perhaps need to be bold.

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